Information according to §5 TMG:

Psychological psychotherapist
Dipl. Psych. Malgorzata Wikiel-Adler
Sonnenstraße 3
86745 Hohenaltheim
Phone.: +49 (0)9088 – 920 78 89
Fax: +49 (0)9088 – 920 78 96
E-mail: praxis(at)
Administration webmaster:
Dipl.-Inf.(FH) Martin Lanzinger
E-Mail: admin(at)

Legal occupational title:

Psychological Psychotherapist awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Doctor’s register entry:
BSNR: 706929800
LANR: 157147568

Competent chamber of psychotherapists (supervisory authority) according to §6 No. 3 TDG:

Bayerische Landeskammer der Psychologischen Psychotherapeutenund der Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeuten
Goethestr. 54
80336 München

Competent Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (supervisory authority):

Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Bayern – Bezirksstelle Schwaben
Frohsinnstraße 2
86150 Augsburg

Professional regulation:

1. Law on the Professions of Psychological Psychotherapists (Psychotherapists Act – PsychThG):
2. Professional Code of Conduct for Psychological Psychotherapists in Bavaria:
3. Health professions chamber law (HKaG) Bavaria as amended from time to time:
Praxis Logo Footer
Psychological psychotherapist

Dipl. Psych. Malgorzata Wikiel-Adler


Psychotherapeutic practice

Sonnenstraße 3

86745 Hohenaltheim


Tel.: +49 (0)9088 – 920 78 89

Faks: +49 (0)9088 – 920 78 96

E-mail: praxis(at)

Table of contents:
Consultation hour:

Monday: 06.00 – 07.00 pm

Friday: 09.00 – 10.00 am